Alle Beiträge von steffen

Some Work-Impressions of the first Day





The Workshop just started

Expectations/Brainstorming/Presentation of DatabasesPresentation

Links Storytelling

Here are some links of interesting storytelling forms:

The Firestorm I talked about.
The famous one from the NY-Times: Snowfall
And Stille Nacht a german Site. I think it is quite nice.

Please post more if you have…

and here is an open source software solution of a german broadcaster.

flickr : practicalowl

What is it all about?

web programming

Hackathon relates to the art of hacking and thus is a kind of hacking marathon. During the ‘History Hackathon’ the participants will have to work fast, be creative and collaborative dealing with the topic of the First World War. We will develop ideas for digital products or educational tools (e.g. an app), which will afterwards be jointly programmed as a prototype.
